
Like us, cats are all individual. We help a variety of cats, all with differing needs. Whether it’s ones who like a lap and enjoy a cuddle, others that like to play, or those that have been living on the streets and are fearful of humans, they all benefit from your time.
The only thing we ask is that you commit to a regular visit, whether it’s a couple of hours a week or a fortnight.

Feeding and Cleaning
Rescuing over 300 cats a year, involves a lot of litter trays to clean, lots of food bowls to fill and wash, pens to clean both daily and between cats.
Litter trays and pens are cleaned daily and when a cat is adopted the pen is given a completely cleaned and disinfected ready for the next guest.
In addition, we always have a mountain of bedding to wash, dry, fold and put away.

We are constantly transporting cats, there are lots of journeys to be made. Vet visits, transfer to foster, collection from owners, dropping off and collecting traps. We have a team of volunteers who we can call on to help with transport, but the more volunteers we have to carry out this vital role, the easier it is for everyone.
So, if you have flexible availability during the day and live close to the rescue in Frome, we’d love to hear from you.

Our fosterers play a vital role in our work with cats. Fostering involves having one (or two) of our cats come to live with you in your own home.
Fosterers will only have domestic cats that are used to living in a home; most have come to us directly from the only home they’ve ever known, they are understandably confused and unsettled.
People foster for a variety of reasons, time, finances, location can all be reasons not to own a cat. If you enjoy the company of a cat, and would like to find out more about fostering, please get in touch.

There are so many ways in which you can raise money for us. Whether its holding a coffee morning, hosting an open garden, running or walking a marathon, whichever you choose to do let us know.
We can help advertise your event and provide promotional material.
Or perhaps you’d like to run a stall at one of the many village days we are invited to attend